
Studies and research

Frank developed his research expertise through a thesis entitled “Valuation, metrologies and judgement: a study of market practices”. It has focused on the tools and instruments, profile of managers, and other market devices used in the FMCG industry to shape markets.
His particular field of investigation dealt with the implementation of category management in a large retail organization. As such, he is a specialist of management methods in the area of marketing.
His current research is today geared toward the understanding of valuation processes involved when a consensus has to be found between economic value, and other type of values, such as moral, justice or dignity.
This type of issues are particularly visible in the health industry where a sense of science and caring for patient is balanced with the economic values. It is also visible in the luxury industry where the quest for authenticity and craftsmanship are frequently opposed to market values.


Curabitur id ante at diam consectetur mattis. Donec tristique est turpis, et dapibus odio accumsan non. Donec rutrum sodales interdum.

Technical support

Nulla consectetur turpis a ante tristique feugiat. In venenatis pellentesque leo vehicula consequat. Maecenas elementum velit ut leo imperdiet vehicula.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam sed massa quis elit sagittis tempor. Ut rutrum sem vel augue rhoncus vestibulum.


Cras aliquam accumsan lorem, ac cursus orci molestie eget. Ut nec ultricies augue. Vestibulum lobortis enim felis, non semper arcu convallis at.


Pellentesque sit amet est sit amet eros consectetur elementum sed et mauris. Pellentesque interdum eu elit nec imperdiet.

Great results

Nulla consectetur turpis a ante tristique feugiat. In venenatis pellentesque leo vehicula consequat. Maecenas elementum velit ut leo imperdiet vehicula.